Working in education is rewarding, important….and challenging.
Education is an amazing field to be in. Most describe it as a vocation. Working in the service of students is hugely valuable and it also brings personal and professional challenge.
I work with executive heads, heads, teachers, deputy and assistant heads, department and year leaders across the UK to unlock the benefits of coaching in their work and life.
You set the agenda- we explore what matters to you. I use skilful questioning drawing on theory, expert coaching tools, models, and processes to support you within and through our conversations.
Staff Welfare
Staff Development
Leadership Coaching - Wellbeing Coaching
Schools - Multi Academy Trusts
Further Education - Higher Education
As coaching invites both the personal and professional aspects of the whole person, investing in coaching for colleagues demonstrates a commitment to staff welfare (clear in the new OFSTED framework) together with commitment to their career and leadership development. Motivated and self-aware education professionals who feel resilient and confident naturally leads to improvements in outcomes for pupils.
I offer 1:1 and group coaching within university PGCE programmes and Trust Teaching Hubs for first rate ITT, ECT and Mentor support and development. Group coaching is solution and action focused. 1:1 coaching for ITT, SCITT, ECT leaders, mentors and trainer teachers themselves is personally and professionally beneficial and relieves some load from surrounding colleagues.
Let's build something bespoke to your context.
As the DfE bears the cost of NPQs, coaching is starting to be built into many Trust and school development budgets beyond CEO, Executives, Heads and SLT to middle leaders and also within teacher training programmes. It is recognised and evidenced as supporting and developing education professionals in moving towards their full potential with excitement and intention, including aspiring staff seeking and transitioning to new roles.
Let's build something bespoke to your context.